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Results for Ron Paul

How Ron Paul singlehandedly destroyed the Republican Party

How Ron Paul singlehandedly destroyed the Republican Party

Im gonna make this quick cause im just bored and annoyed with society and now.. >Ron Paul  >Runs for GOP nomination in 2008 and ...

Written by: Ben Dover
Rating 0.5
Here Is Why I Think The Dollar Will Collapse... Soon.

Here Is Why I Think The Dollar Will Collapse... Soon.

So I've heard about Ron Paul talking about the dollar collapse. How he thinks there is a bond bubble and it will be bad. I heard it, went in one e...

Written by: The 1st Amender
Rating 0.5
Ron Paul: Why We Don’t Need the Federal Reserve

Ron Paul: Why We Don’t Need the Federal Reserve

Stocks rose Wednesday following the Federal Reserve’s announcement of the first interest rate increase since 2006. However, stocks fell just two...

Written by: The 1st Amender
Rating 0.5